Toxin Binder or Mycosorb A+? Which one for your horse?

What is the difference between Toxin Binder and Mycosorb A+? 

Mycosorb A+ is a single ingredient produced by Alltech. Mycosorb A+ is the next generation of mycotoxin binder.  It offers superior binding capabilities, a broader adsorption profile, and increased efficacy in addressing mycotoxins.

Stance Equitec ToxFree Toxin Binder, includes a variety of ingredients, including a full dose of Alltech's Mycosorb A+. In addition to Mycosorb A+, Toxin Binder incorporates Actigen, a yeast prebiotic known for its positive impact on gut health. Actigen has been proven to bind to other bacteria in the digestive tract, such as E. coli and Salmonella. Furthermore, Toxin Binder contains PowerStance, which is powdered coconut oil that promotes skin, coat, and gut health, along with providing antimicrobial benefits. 

In summary, Mycosorb A+ is a single ingredient specifically designed for mycotoxin binding, while Toxin Binder combines Mycosorb A+ with other components to offer a broader range of toxin binding capabilities, as well as additional digestive health benefits.

"I was so happy to discover that adding Toxin Binder to my mares feed actually made a difference to her ability to focus under saddle, as she had a habit of bucking or rearing as a means to avoid saddle work. It has helped her behaviour as Toxin Binder helps to remove mycotoxins from her gut, leaving her feeling happier (and healthier!) and allowing the pressure on her belly to not cause any discomfort. Willow looks her best health and though she will always be a typical mare, she is a much happier one! I am glad we tried Toxin Binder and will continue to add this to her feed."- Alysha

"I have had amazing results with the Toxin Binder, in just a week she was completely clear of all scabs. She's completely cleared up now such an awesome product. This was 4 days after we got her we couldn't touch her nose her ears and putting a halter on her was such a mission. She was in so much pain it was so sore... It's been 3 weeks since we started adding the Toxin Binder into her feed and my 8 year old daughter can now catch her unassisted"- Kirstie

ToxFree Toxin Binder

- May bind to a large range of harmful mycotoxins (including polar and non polar mycotoxins)  

- Contains prebiotic to support gut health
- Fast acting non medicated

Mycosorb A+

- Functional carbohydrate from yeast cell and algae
- Binds wide range of mycotoxins
- Supports overall performance
- Effective at low inclusion rates
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