EquiPower® Performance should be introduced gradually into diet over a two week period to optimize absorption.
Add to feed, split into two feeds (morning and night) where possible.
Always provide access to clean water.
Morning feed: 1 x 60ml
Evening feed: 1 x 60ml
Increase gradually over 4 weeks Sprinters:
Morning feed: 1 x 100ml
Evening feed: 1 x 100ml
Middle distance horses:
Morning feed: 1 x 150ml
Evening feed: 1 x 150ml
Stayers and endurance horses:
Morning feed: 1 x 200ml
Evening feed: 1 x 200ml
Recommended rate based on a 500kg horse
A proprietary blend [Organic virgin coconut oil, Cold-pressed ricebran oil, Cold-pressed flaxseed oil, Medium chain triglycerides (MCT)] 100ml
Oil 100%
Provide your horse non-glucose energy with EquiPower® Oils
Feeding oil to horses is now a widely recognised practice, however not all oils are equal. The properties of different oils vary and it is important to know the properties of whichever oil you choose to feed your horse. Read more
Benefits of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains high levels of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) which provide the body with a readily available source of lauric acid, which converts to monolaurin and may provide anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Read more
Coconut Oil in Horse Feed
Coconuts are grown in tropical countries either in plantations or by small landowners. Coconuts are harvested by hand and form a large part of the economy of these third world economies. Read more
Coconut oil: A new age in feeding oil to horses
While the benefits of feeding fats and oils to horses are now widely recognised, a thorough review of the literature will show that saturated oils such as coconut oil are more effective at exerting a positive influence on the horse than the unsaturated oils. Read more
“I feed my thoroughbred a low sugar and starch diet. When we stepped up to jumping 1.10m plus, I wanted to add something to his diet to give him a bit more energy, but I didn’t want to add grain. I decided to add EquiPower Performance because it prov..
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