

Salt and Electrolyte Replacer

Safe for horses with anhydrosis

  • Provides electrolytes
  • Supports hydration and normal sweating
  • Supports muscle function and fluid balance
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Price: From $17.5 inc GST

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Additional Information

What is OsmoPlex?
OsmoPlex is a specific blend of minerals designed to support osmotic balance and normal cellular pH. There is over 50% Sodium Chloride (salt) in every 80g daily dose of OsmoPlex. Chloride is the electrolyte which is lost in the greatest amount in heavily sweating horses and Sodium is an important electrolyte, as it is essential for nearly every process. Increasing the Sodium concentration in water in the horse’s body may engage the horse’s thirst drive. This is vital in maintaining hydration, as it encourgages the horse to drink. OsmoPlex includes seaweed derived calcium especially rich in the minerals magnesium and calcium. OsmoPlex also includes the mineral Potassium. These minerals support normal cellular growth as well as muscle and nerve function. Inclusion of Glucose may assist with the absorption of Sodium and increase palatability.

Electrolyte and Hydration Facts
• Just 2% dehydration can cause loss of performance
• Low to medium level exercise can cause horses to lose 5-10L of sweat per hour
• Inadequate sodium intake can promote or aggravate anhydrosis (inability to sweat normally)
• It can take 72-96 hours for a badly dehydrated horse to fully recover

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OsmoPlex should be introduced gradually into diet over a two week period. 
Add to feed, split into two feeds (morning and night) where possible. 
Always provide access to clean water. 

1 scoop = 40g

Morning feed:    1 x scoop (40g)
Night feed:         1 x scoop (40g)

In hot weather or after intensive exercise increase night dose to 2 scoops (80g).

Recommended rate based on a 500kg horse.
Horses supplemented with OsmoPlex do not require additional salt.


A propietary blend [Sodium chloride (salt), Potassium chloride, Sodium bicarbonate, Magnesium sulphate, Magnesium oxide, Seaweed derived calcium, Glucose, Diamond V Yeast XPC] 40g


Chloride 448 g/kg
Sodium 228 g/kg
Potassium 120 g/kg
Magnesium 13.8 g/kg
Calcium 8 g/kg

Support hydration and normal sweating with OsmoPlex

Electrolytes are essential minerals - sodium, calcium, chloride, magnesium and potassium that are vital to many key functions in your horse's body - including hydration, muscle contraction, regulating body pH and more. Horses lose large volumes of water and electrolytes in their sweat. It is recommended that all horses are supplemented on a daily basis with electrolytes as well as other minerals and vitamins. Read more

Electrolytes - Sodium | Potassium | Chloride

Always remember that no mineral or vitamin acts in isolation - whilst the actions of each individual mineral is described as follows there are thousands of reactions occurring at any given moment in time in your horses body that involve interactions with other minerals, vitamins, protein and energy sources. Read more

The importance of feeding electrolytes in winter

Adequate electrolyte supply is critical for hydration and digestion all year round. Sodium Chloride (salt) is an important electrolyte, as it is essential for nearly every process. Sodium is vital for engaging a horse’s thirst response and encouraging them to consume enough water even during cooler temperatures. Read more

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"I had been having a few respiratory issues with my top horse and wanted to make sure that he was back feeling his best as soon as possible. I had tried a few other products with no luck, until I tried Equitec Osmoplex. Within just a week of using Os.. Read More

"It's not a long one but a few years ago I had taken my horse Jake (Brave Hope) to a dressage competition at PRARG (Park Ridge QLD). We had gone out many times without ever having shown signs of anhidrosis, but this time was different, it was summer.. Read More

“In July this year I started using Equitec Performance Products ‘OsmoPlex’ on CP Ellibell. She has always sweated alot and was fussy with drinking on long trips and at competitions. On her first big trip away after starting OsmoPlex.. Read More

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