"Noddy is prone to ulcers and never eats when locked up for a few days and is usually super cranky at the same time. He's been on the Ulcabuf since I received it last week and this week he's been locked up due to it raining and being too wet. I’m happy to say he hasn’t lost his appetite and he licked his bin clean and hasn't even been cranky so I'm super happy! I will definitely be placing another order soon because I'm nearly out!" Emily and Noddy Read More
"Great results noticeable improvement in his overall disposition day 4 of treatment. 3 weeks after Jai started UlcaBuf he was entered in an 80km endurance event. Prior to this event he had been withdrawn due to ulcers once at 146km and then at 60km. Jai also was receiving B's continuously for guts sounds. At his first competition 3 weeks after starting the UlcBbuf he ran to his gate to be caught to go to vetting. Ate much better than normal and received all A's for gut sounds. 1 week later he was entered in another 80km event receiving all As and 1s for his vet scores and placed second lightweight on an extremely difficult track." Rega.. Read More
"I have been keen with digestive management with my horses since 2007-2008, back when some vets still said that gastric ulcers don’t exist in (non-competitive) horses. Over the years I have battled both gastric ulcers and colonic ulcers in my horses and horses in my community. I have spent thousands trialling the latest ‘product’ that makes claims… only to find improvements in symptoms, improvements in affect, negative screening with one or the other using the Succeed Fecal test but never all the symptoms. I have had NO experience so far with any (non drug) product that can change the Succeed fecal test to negative fo.. Read More
" For the past 2 yrs we have struggled to find a product to help one of our horses who was for ever having soft , and at times runny poo , anxious and unsettled when taken out to comps . A friend put us onto UlcaBuff and he hasn't looked back. Being anxious has completely gone hes settled, working well , and most importantly no more runny poo. I highly recommend. We are very impressed with this product. " Peta Jewell, July 2018 Read More
“Our very successful welsh Pony Mare Imperial Bow Bell twice Champion Sydney Royal andNational Pony Of The Year All Breeds winner! Bella had her first foals November 2017 andsuddenly became very stressed when ever she was locked in a box due to the weather or for usto handle the foal and would start licking wall and crib bitting, in every other way she was thesame beautiful temperament mare, we were so worried she would start to windsuck that we didnot show her with the foal at foot and turned her back out in the paddock where she was happyand relaxed. After weaning her foal in the middle of April she was turned out for.. Read More
“ Week 0:• cinchy• ears pinned when saddle raise towards his back• drags back feet• stool are on the soft side with liquid present during defecating• can have liquid when passing gas• his back is sensitive Succeed faecal test : double positive and Faecal ph: 7.84Week 5:• Liquid discharge is less and stool are more formed• attitude is less when saddled• cinch is still present not as intense• still dragging back feedSucceed faecal test: double negative and Faecal ph: 6.53Week 10:• Attitude when saddle all gone• chinch gone• stool normal• no liquid with stools• back is good he is enjoying being groomedSucceed faecal te.. Read More
Used on bay Standardbred mare 2011 in racing.Negative signs of ulcers she showed were:• picky eater going off feed after racing• very unsettled at races trying to squash handlers in the tie-ups when harnessing up• at home warning to kick when harnessing up or hosing down• not wanting to be caught for work and grumpyChanges in her behaviour we could notice are:• better eating• more settled and calmer at races• happier to work and better performance• Didn’t notice any changes in coat as she was looking good beforeDoris, 2019 Read More
“Thank you for the trial of UlcerBuf for my daughters horse. I waited till after Christmas to start him on this. I think we had great results , he seemed happier especially in his work. We took him to a clinic and nothing fazed him. I think he ended up being the best one there especially as it was a clinic more suited for western riders etc and it was his first time out of a Dressage arena. Everyone was impressed especially with his long and low that they said they were all going to go and get a warmblood. Not only helping with his temperament I also think it helped with his itch , maybe his gut was more se.. Read More
“I started my sons 20yr old riding ponymare on UlcaBuf over 6 months ago. Shehas been diagnosed with cushioningdisease and suffered a bout of laminitisover 18months ago.I was looking to support her overalldigestive tract after such levels of stressin the past and as I had read aboutcushioning’s effecting their overall healthand well-being.She also showed signs of being veryunhappy, snitchy and girthy whilst beinggeared up. Now that she is on UlcaBufshe is settled, calmer and more contentwithin herself than ever before, with theadded bonus of being a pleasure for myson to ride.I’m very happy with its results that nowal.. Read More
“I know I rattle on about UlcaBuf but I do it for a reason. This contains a before taken Nov 4 , 2018 andan after Dec 20 , 2018. Here UlcaBuf was used on thoroughbred sales yearling preparation. The salesyearlings dont get pasture time at all and are fed a high concentrate diet. Spending 21 hours a day ina stable only getting out to go on the Walker, wash bay, or parade ring. Nearly all prepped yearlingsdevelop gastric ulcers and other digestive upsets which in turn effect behaviour, appetite and of coursethis snow balls into more issues.This draft of yearlings were immediately introduced to UlcaBuf on arrival to the.. Read More